#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import sys import unicodedata import glob try: import markdown except ImportError: exit("This script requires the Markdown module\nInstall with: sudo pip install Markdown") import markjaml import pinout import urlmapper try: reload(sys) except NameError: from importlib import reload reload(sys) try: sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') except AttributeError: # Does not work in Python 3 unicode = str DEBUG_LEVEL = 1 # TODO: Why is this here and not loaded from pinout.yaml GROUND_PINS = [6, 9, 14, 20, 25, 30, 34, 39] lang = "en" default_strings = { 'home': 'Home', 'boards': 'Boards', 'details': 'Details', 'pin_header': '{} pin header', 'form_undefined': 'Undefined', 'group_other': 'other', 'type_hat': 'HAT form-factor', 'type_phat': 'pHAT form-factor', 'type_classic': 'Classic form-factor', 'eeprom_detect': 'Uses VID/PID', 'eeprom_setup': 'Uses EEPROM', 'uses_5v_and_3v3': 'Needs 5v and 3v3 power', 'uses_5v': 'Needs 5v power', 'uses_3v3': 'Needs 3v3 power', 'uses_i2c': 'Uses I2C', 'uses_spi': 'Uses SPI', 'uses_n_gpio_pins': 'Uses {} GPIO pins', 'bcm_pin_rev1_pi': 'GPIO/BCM pin {} on Rev 1 ( very early ) Pi', 'physical_pin_n': 'Physical/Board pin {}', 'wiring_pi_pin': 'Wiring Pi pin {}', 'made_by': 'Made by {manufacturer}', 'more_information': 'More Information', 'github_repository': 'GitHub Repository', 'board_schematic': 'Schematic', 'buy_now': 'Buy Now', 'translate_msg': 'This page needs translating, can you help?

', 'browse_addons': 'Browse more HATs, pHATs and add-ons', 'return_home': 'Return to the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout', 'boards_title': 'Raspberry Pi HATs, pHATs & Add-ons', 'boards_subtitle': 'Click on a HAT, pHAT or add-on for more details and to see which pins it uses!' } exclude_pincounts = ['3v3-power', '5v-power', 'ground', 'iface-jtag', 'i2c', 'iface-gpclk', 'wiringpi', 'spi', 'iface-1wire'] def debug(level, string): if level < DEBUG_LEVEL: return level_text = ['Notice', 'Warning', 'Error'][level] print("[{}] {}".format(level_text, string)) def cssify(value): value = slugify(value) if value[0] == '3' or value[0] == '5': value = 'pow' + value return value def slugify(value): """ Normalizes string, converts to lowercase, removes non-alpha characters, and converts spaces to hyphens. """ value = unicode(value) value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') value = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower() return re.sub('[-\s]+', '_', value) def load_overlay(overlay): data = markjaml.load(overlay) loaded = data['data'] loaded['source'] = overlay loaded['long_description'] = data['html'] filename = overlay.split('/')[-1].replace('.md', '') """ try: data = markjaml.load('src/{}/overlay/{}.md'.format(lang, overlay)) loaded = data['data'] loaded['source'] = "src/{}/overlay/{}.md".format(lang, overlay) loaded['long_description'] = data['html'] except IOError: try: data = markjaml.load('src/{}/translate/{}.md'.format(lang, overlay)) loaded = data['data'] loaded['source'] = "src/{}/translate/{}.md".format(lang, overlay) loaded['long_description'] = strings['translate_msg'] + data['html'] loaded['type'] = strings['group_other'] if 'formfactor' in loaded: if str(loaded['formfactor']) == 'Custom': loaded['formfactor'] = strings['form_undefined'] except IOError: print('overlay {} missing in lang {}'.format(overlay, lang)) return None """ debug(0, '>> Rendering: {src}'.format(src=loaded['source'])) ''' If this is not an info page, then build a collection of details and append them to long_description ''' if 'type' not in loaded or loaded['type'] != 'info': details = [] if 'type' not in loaded: loaded['type'] = strings['group_other'] if 'manufacturer' in loaded: if 'collected' in loaded: details.append(strings['made_by'].format(manufacturer=loaded['manufacturer'])) else: manu_link = '{manufacturer}'.format(manufacturer=loaded['manufacturer']) details.append(strings['made_by'].format(manufacturer=manu_link)) if 'pincount' in loaded: ''' Choose correct board type to be displayed based upon pincount and form factor. This could be a HAT, a pHAT or other... ''' pincount = int(loaded['pincount']) if 'formfactor' in loaded: formfactor = str(loaded['formfactor']) if pincount == 40 and formfactor == 'HAT': details.append(strings['type_hat']) elif pincount == 40 and formfactor == 'pHAT': details.append(strings['type_phat']) elif pincount == 40 and formfactor == '40-way': details.append(strings['pin_header'].format(pincount)) else: if filename not in exclude_pincounts: details.append(strings['pin_header'].format(pincount)) elif pincount == 40: details.append(strings['type_hat']) elif pincount == 26: details.append(strings['type_classic']) else: if filename not in exclude_pincounts: # if '3v3-power.md' not in overlay and '5v-power.md' not in overlay and 'ground.md' not in overlay: details.append(strings['pin_header'].format(pincount)) if 'eeprom' in loaded: eeprom = str(loaded['eeprom']) if eeprom == 'detect' or eeprom == 'True': details.append(strings['eeprom_detect']) if eeprom == 'setup': details.append(strings['eeprom_setup']) if 'power' not in loaded['type'] and 'power' in loaded: uses_5v = False uses_3v3 = False if loaded['power'] is None: loaded['power'] = {} for pin in loaded['power']: pin = str(pin) if pin.startswith('bcm'): pin = pinout.bcm_to_physical(pin[3:]) if pin in ['2', '4']: uses_5v = True if pin in ['1', '17']: uses_3v3 = True if uses_5v and uses_3v3: details.append(strings['uses_5v_and_3v3']) elif uses_5v: details.append(strings['uses_5v']) elif uses_3v3: details.append(strings['uses_3v3']) ''' If the overlay includes a collection of pins then loop through them and count how many non-power pins are used ''' if 'pin' in loaded: uses_i2c = False uses_spi = False uses = 0 for pin in loaded['pin']: data = loaded['pin'][pin] pin = str(pin) if pin.startswith('bcm'): pin = pinout.bcm_to_physical(pin[3:]) if pin in pinout.pins: actual_pin = pinout.pins[pin] if actual_pin['type'] in ['+3v3', '+5v', 'GND'] and '3v3-power.md' not in overlay and '5v-power.md' not in overlay and 'ground.md' not in overlay: raise Exception( "{} includes a reference to a {} pin ({}), which isn't allowed".format(overlay, actual_pin['type'], pin)) else: uses += 1 if data is not None and 'mode' in data: if pin in ['3', '5'] and data['mode'] == 'i2c': uses_i2c = True if pin in ['19', '21', '23'] and data['mode'] == 'spi': uses_spi = True if filename not in exclude_pincounts: if uses > 0: details.append(strings['uses_n_gpio_pins'].format(uses)) if uses_spi: details.append(strings['uses_spi']) if uses_i2c: details.append(strings['uses_i2c']) if 'i2c' in loaded: for addr in loaded['i2c']: data = loaded['i2c'][addr] if type(addr) is int: addr = "0x{:02x}".format(addr) dev = data['device'] alt = None try: alt = data['alternate'] if type(alt) is list: alt = ", ".join(alt) except KeyError: pass if data is not None and 'device' in data: if alt is not None: details.append('{address}: {device} (Alt: {alt})'.format(address=addr, device=dev, alt=alt)) else: details.append('{address}: {device}'.format(address=addr, device=dev)) # A URL to more information about the add-on board, could be a GitHub readme or an about page if 'url' in loaded: details.append('[{text}]({url})'.format(text=strings['more_information'], url=loaded['url'])) # Should only ever be a URL to the github repository with code supporting the product if 'github' in loaded: details.append('[{text}]({url})'.format(text=strings['github_repository'], url=loaded['github'])) # A URL referencing the add-on board schematic if 'schematic' in loaded: if loaded['schematic'] is not None: details.append('[{text}]({url})'.format(text=strings['board_schematic'], url=loaded['schematic'])) else: debug(1, "schematic defined in {}, but missing a value.".format(loaded['source'])) # A URL to a preferred place to buy the add-on board if 'buy' in loaded: details.append('[{text}]({url})'.format(text=strings['buy_now'], url=loaded['buy'])) details_html = markdown.markdown('\n'.join(map(lambda d: '* ' + d, details))) details_image = '' if 'image' in loaded: details_image = "\"{}\"".format(loaded['image'], loaded['name']) details_html = "


".format(strings['details'], details_html, details_image) if len(details) or len(details_image): loaded['long_description'] = '{}\n{}'.format(loaded['long_description'], details_html) else: loaded['long_description'] = '{}'.format(loaded['long_description']) # Automatically generate a page slug from the name if none is specified if 'page_url' not in loaded: loaded['page_url'] = slugify(loaded['name']) loaded['rendered_html'] = render_overlay_page(loaded) loaded['src'] = overlay pages[loaded['page_url']] = loaded navs[loaded['page_url']] = render_nav(loaded['page_url'], overlay=loaded) return loaded def load_md(filename): filename = 'src/{}/{}'.format(lang, filename) try: html = markdown.markdown(open(filename).read(), extensions=['fenced_code']) # print(':) Loaded markdown from {}'.format(filename)) return html except IOError: # print('!! Unable to load markdown from {}'.format(filename)) return '' def render_overlay_page(overlay): if overlay is None: return '' return '
'.format(slugify(overlay['name']), overlay['long_description']) def render_pin_page(pin_num): pin = pinout.pins[str(pin_num)] pin_url = pin['name'] # Exclude pages for ground pins if pin_num in GROUND_PINS: return None, None, None pin_text_name = pin['name'] pin_subtext = [] pin_subtext.append(strings['physical_pin_n'].format(pin_num)) if 'scheme' in pin: if 'bcm' in pin['scheme']: bcm = pin['scheme']['bcm'] pin_url = 'gpio{}'.format(bcm) pin_text_name = 'GPIO {}'.format(bcm) pin_subtext.append('GPIO/BCM 引脚 {}'.format(bcm)) if 'wiringpi' in pin['scheme']: wiringpi = pin['scheme']['wiringpi'] pin_subtext.append('Wiring Pi 引脚 {}'.format(wiringpi)) if 'bcmAlt' in pin['scheme']: bcmAlt = pin['scheme']['bcmAlt'] pin_subtext.append(strings['bcm_pin_rev1_pi'].format(bcmAlt)) if 'description' in pin: pin_text_name = '{} ({})'.format(pin_text_name, pin['description']) fn_headings = [] fn_functions = [] pin_functions = '' if 'functions' in pin: for x in range(6): fn_headings.append('复用功能' + str(x)) function = '' if 'alt' + str(x) in pin['functions']: function = pin['functions']['alt' + str(x)] fn_functions.append(function) pin_functions = '''
'''.format(headings=''.join(fn_headings), functions=''.join(fn_functions)) pin_url = slugify('pin{}_{}'.format(pin_num, pin_url)) pin_text = '


'.format( pin_url=pin_url, pin_name=pin_text_name, pin_functions=pin_functions, pin_subtext=''.format('
  • '.join(pin_subtext)), pin_text=load_md('pin/pin-{}.md'.format(pin_num))) # if pin_text != None: return pin_url, pin_text, pin_text_name # pages[pin_url] = pin_text def render_pin(pin_num, selected_url, overlay=None): pin = pinout.pins[str(pin_num)] pin_type = list([x.strip() for x in pin['type'].lower().split('/')]) pin_name = pin['name'] pin_url = pin_name pin_ground = False pin_power = False pin_regular = False pin_link_title = [] bcm_pin = None overlay_pin = {} if 'scheme' in pin: if 'bcm' in pin['scheme']: bcm_pin = 'bcm' + str(pin['scheme']['bcm']) valid_pins = (pin_num, str(pin_num), bcm_pin) if overlay is not None: for try_pin in valid_pins: if try_pin in overlay.get('ground', {}): overlay_pin = overlay['ground'][try_pin] pin_ground = True break if try_pin in overlay.get('power', {}): overlay_pin = overlay['power'][try_pin] pin_power = True break if try_pin in overlay.get('pin', {}): overlay_pin = overlay['pin'][try_pin] pin_regular = True break if isinstance(overlay_pin, str): # source = '' # if 'source' in overlay: # source = overlay['source'] # TODO: What is this? debug(1, "{}: Overlay pin '{}' for pin {} is a string! Should be dict".format(overlay['source'], overlay_pin, pin_num)) if overlay_pin is None: overlay_pin = {} if pin_regular: pin_name = overlay_pin.get('name', pin_name) if 'description' in overlay_pin: pin_link_title.append(overlay_pin['description']) if overlay_pin.get('mode') == "EEPROM_WP": pin_name = "EEPROM WP" if 'scheme' in pin: if 'bcm' in pin['scheme']: bcm = pin['scheme']['bcm'] pin_subname = '' pin_url = 'gpio{}'.format(bcm) if pin_name != '': pin_subname = ' ({})'.format(pin_name) pin_name = 'GPIO {}{}'.format(bcm, pin_subname) if 'wiringpi' in pin['scheme']: wiringpi = pin['scheme']['wiringpi'] pin_link_title.append(strings['wiring_pi_pin'].format(wiringpi)) pin_url = base_url + slugify('pin{}_{}'.format(pin_num, pin_url)) if pin['type'] in pinout.get_setting('urls'): pin_url = base_url + pinout.get_setting('urls')[pin['type']] selected = '' if base_url + selected_url == pin_url: selected = ' active' if pin_ground: selected += ' overlay-ground' if pin_power: selected += ' overlay-power' if pin_regular: selected += ' overlay-pin' pin_url = pin_url + url_suffix return '
  • {pin_num} {pin_name}
  • \n'.format( pin_num=pin_num, pin_type=' '.join(map(cssify, pin_type)), pin_selected=selected, pin_url=pin_url, pin_title=', '.join(pin_link_title), pin_name=pin_name, langcode=lang ) def render_nav(url, overlay=None): html_odd = '' html_even = '' for odd in range(1, len(pinout.pins), 2): html_odd += render_pin(odd, url, overlay) html_even += render_pin(odd + 1, url, overlay) return ''' '''.format(html_odd, html_even) def get_hreflang_urls(src): hreflang = [] for lang in sorted(alternate_urls): if src in alternate_urls[lang]: url = alternate_urls[lang][src] hreflang.append(''.format( lang=lang, url=url )) return hreflang def get_lang_urls(src): urls = [] for url_lang in sorted(alternate_urls): if src in alternate_urls[url_lang]: img_css = '' if url_lang == lang: img_css = ' class="grayscale"' url = alternate_urls[url_lang][src] urls.append( ''.format( lang=url_lang, url=url, resource_url=resource_url, css=img_css )) return urls ''' Main Program Flow ''' if len(sys.argv) > 1: lang = sys.argv[1] alternate_urls = urlmapper.generate_urls(lang) pinout.load(lang) overlays = glob.glob("src/{}/overlay/*.md".format(lang)) + glob.glob("src/{}/translate/*.md".format(lang)) strings = pinout.get_string('strings', {}) if type(strings) == list: _strings = {} for item in strings: _strings[list(item.keys())[0]] = list(item.values())[0] strings = _strings for key, val in default_strings.items(): if key not in strings: strings[key] = val base_url = pinout.get_setting('base_url', '/pinout/') # eg: '/pinout-tr/pinout/' resource_url = pinout.get_setting('resource_url', '/resources/') # eg: '/pinout-tr/resources/' url_suffix = pinout.get_setting('url_suffix', '') # eg: '.html' template_main = open('common/page.html'.format(lang)).read() template_boards = open('common/boards.html'.format(lang)).read() template_footer = open('src/{}/template/footer.html'.format(lang)).read() template_footer = open('src/{}/template/footer.html'.format(lang)).read() pages = {} navs = {} overlays_html = [] nav_html = {} if not os.path.isdir('output'): try: os.mkdir('output') except OSError: exit('Failed to create output dir') if not os.path.isdir('output/{}'.format(lang)): try: os.mkdir('output/{}'.format(lang)) except OSError: exit('Failed to create output/{} dir'.format(lang)) if not os.path.isdir('output/{}/pinout'.format(lang)): try: os.mkdir('output/{}/pinout'.format(lang)) except OSError: exit('Failed to create output/{}/pinout dir'.format(lang)) print("\nRendering overlay pages...") overlays = list(map(load_overlay, overlays)) overlay_subnav = ['featured'] featured_boards_count = 0 featured_boards_html = '' boards_page = [] boards_manufacturers = [] ''' Build up the navigation between overlays. This needs to be done before rendering pages as it's used in every single page. overlays_html is generated with all types for legacy reasons ''' for overlay in overlays: link = (overlay['page_url'], overlay['name']) overlays_html += [link] if overlay['src'] in pinout.settings['featured'] and 'image' in overlay and featured_boards_count < 4: featured_boards_count += 1 featured_boards_html += '
    '.format( image=overlay['image'], name=overlay['name'], page_url=overlay['page_url'], base_url=base_url, resource_url=resource_url, description=overlay['description'] ) if 'class' in overlay and 'type' in overlay: o_class = overlay['class'] o_type = overlay['type'] def sanitize_type(t): allowed_types = { 'adc': 'ADC', 'audio': 'Audio', 'com': 'COM', 'dac': 'DAC', 'display': 'Display', 'gesture': 'Gesture', 'gps': 'GPS', 'instrument': 'Instrument', 'io': 'IO', 'iot': 'IOT', 'led': 'LED', 'mcu': 'MCU', 'motor': 'Motor', 'multi': 'Multi', 'network': 'Network', 'other': 'Other', 'power': 'Power', 'radio': 'Radio', 'relay': 'Relay', 'rtc': 'RTC', 'sensor': 'Sensor', 'touch': 'Touch', 'usb': 'USB', 'pinout': 'pinout', 'lora': 'LoRa', 'otro': 'Otro', 'gestos': 'Gestos', 'cap': 'Cap', 'lcd': 'LCD'} # TODO: maybe find a better way to handle type translations if lang == 'es': allowed_types['gesture'] = 'Gestos' allowed_types['other'] = 'Otro' remapped_types = {'iot': 'radio'} t = t.strip() t_handle = t.lower() if t_handle in allowed_types: return allowed_types[t_handle] for remap_src, remap_target in remapped_types.iteritems(): if t_handle == remap_src: return allowed_types[remap_target] print("Rejecting unsupported type: {} in overlay: {}".format(t, overlay['name'])) return None o_types = [sanitize_type(t) for t in o_type.split(',') if sanitize_type(t) is not None] if len(o_types) > 1 and 'Multi' not in o_types: o_types.append('Multi') if len(o_types) == 0: print(" No type(s) found in overlay: {}".format(overlay['name'])) o_types = [strings['group_other']] o_type = ','.join(o_types) if o_class not in nav_html: nav_html[o_class] = '' nav_html[o_class] += '
  • {}
  • '.format(base_url, overlay['page_url'], overlay['name']) if o_class == 'board': image = overlay['image'] if 'image' in overlay else 'no-image.png' if 'formfactor' not in overlay: print('Warning! -> {name} missing formfactor'.format(name=overlay['name'])) o_formfactor = strings['form_undefined'] allowed_formfactors = {'custom': 'Custom', 'hat': 'HAT', 'phat': 'PHAT', 'usb': 'USB'} if 'formfactor' in overlay: o_formfactor = overlay['formfactor'] if o_formfactor.lower() in allowed_formfactors: o_formfactor = allowed_formfactors[o_formfactor.lower()] else: o_formfactor = strings['form_undefined'] boards_page.append({ 'name': overlay['name'], 'html': '
  • {name}
  • '.format( image=image, name=overlay['name'], page_url=overlay['page_url'], base_url=base_url, type=o_type, formfactor=o_formfactor, manufacturer=overlay.get('collected', overlay['manufacturer']), resource_url=resource_url) }) def interfaces_menu(current): interfaces = [overlay for overlay in overlays if overlay['class'] == 'interface'] html = '' for interface in interfaces: sel = '' if current is not None and 'name' in current and interface['name'] == current['name']: sel = ' class="selected"' html += '{}'.format(sel, base_url, interface['page_url'], interface['name']) return html boards_page = [x['html'] for x in sorted(boards_page, key=lambda k: k['name'].lower())] pages['boards'] = {'rendered_html': ''.join(boards_page)} ''' Manually add the index page as 'pinout', this is due to how the website is currently structured with /pinout as the index and all other pages in /pinout/ serve.py will mirror this structure for testing. ''' pages['index'] = {} pages['index']['rendered_html'] = render_overlay_page({'name': 'Index', 'long_description': load_md('/template/index.md')}) default_nav = render_nav('pinout') navs['index'] = default_nav ''' Add the 404 page if 404.md is present. ''' page404 = load_md('/template/404.md') if page404 is not None: pages['404'] = {} pages['404']['rendered_html'] = render_overlay_page({'name': '404', 'long_description': page404}) navs['404'] = default_nav crumbtrail = '

    ' + strings['browse_addons'] + ' »

    ' navs['boards'] = default_nav print('\nRendering pin pages...') interfaces = interfaces_menu(None) for pin in range(1, len(pinout.pins) + 1): (pin_url, pin_html, pin_title) = render_pin_page(pin) if pin_url is None: continue hreflang = get_hreflang_urls('pin{}'.format(pin)) langlinks = get_lang_urls('pin{}'.format(pin)) pin_nav = render_nav(pin_url) pin_html = pinout.render_html(template_main, template_footer, strings, pinout.settings, lang_links="\n\t\t".join(langlinks), hreflang="\n\t\t".join(hreflang), nav=pin_nav, content=pin_html, resource_url=resource_url, overlays=overlays_html, description=strings['default_desc'], title=pin_title + strings['title_suffix'], featured_boards=featured_boards_html, langcode=lang, nav_html=nav_html, interfaces=interfaces, body_class='pin', crumbtrail=crumbtrail ) debug(0, '>> Saving: pinout/{}.html'.format(pin_url)) with open(os.path.join('output', lang, 'pinout', '{}.html'.format(pin_url)), 'w') as f: f.write(pin_html) print('\nSaving overlay and index pages...') for url in pages: content = pages[url]['rendered_html'] nav = navs[url] hreflang = [] langlinks = [] # Select the appropriate template for this page template = template_boards if url == 'boards' else template_main if url == 'index' or url == 'boards': src = url hreflang = get_hreflang_urls(src) langlinks = get_lang_urls(src) if 'src' in pages[url]: src = pages[url]['src'] hreflang = get_hreflang_urls(src) langlinks = get_lang_urls(src) if 'description' not in pages[url]: pages[url]['description'] = strings['default_desc'] name = strings['default_title'] if 'name' in pages[url]: name = pages[url]['name'] + strings['title_suffix'] feat_boards_html = featured_boards_html body_class = '' crumbtrail = '

    ' + strings['browse_addons'] + ' »

    ' if 'class' in pages[url] and pages[url]['class'] == 'board': feat_boards_html = '' body_class = 'board' if 'collected' not in pages[url]: crumbtrail = '

    {home} » {boards} » {manufacturer}

    '.format( title=pages[url]['name'], manufacturer=pages[url]['manufacturer'], home=strings['home'], boards=strings['boards'] ) else: crumbtrail = '

    {home} » {boards} » {manufacturer}

    '.format( title=pages[url]['name'], manufacturer=pages[url]['collected'], home=strings['home'], boards=strings['boards'] ) if url == 'boards': body_class = 'boards-page' html = pinout.render_html(template, template_footer, strings, pinout.settings, twittercard=True, lang_links="\n\t\t".join(langlinks), hreflang="\n\t\t".join(hreflang), nav=nav, content=content, overlays=overlays_html, resource_url=resource_url, description=pages[url]['description'], title=name, featured_boards=feat_boards_html, langcode=lang, nav_html=nav_html, interfaces=interfaces_menu(pages[url]), body_class=body_class, crumbtrail=crumbtrail, api_image="https://api.pinout.xyz/v1/img/{url}.png".format(url=url) ) key = url if url not in ['index', '404', 'boards']: url = os.path.join('pinout', url) if 'source' in pages[key]: debug(0, '>> Saving: {src} => {url}.html'.format(url=url, src=pages[key]['source'])) with open(os.path.join('output', lang, '{}.html'.format(url)), 'w') as f: f.write(html) print('\nAll done!')