# Pi-LITE-r The Pi-LITEr is a fully assembled add on board for the Raspberry Pi. It has 8 ultra-bright white LED's on a board which plugs directly onto the GPIO header. It can be used alongside other I/O projects to give status indication. Lighting all 8 LEDs consumes a tiny amount of current, less than a single standard LED (which is 20ma nominal vs 14.4ma for the Pi-LITEr). ## Applications * I/O status indicator * Bar graph * Light chaser * Activity indicator * Lighting effects ## Code ```python from gpiozero import PiLiter from time import sleep lite = PiLiter() for led in lite: led.on() sleep(0.1) led.off() lite.on() sleep(5) ``` [GPIO Zero docs](http://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/v1.3.1/api_boards.html#piliter)