#Sense HAT The Sense HAT is an add-on board for Raspberry Pi comprising of a 8×8 RGB LED matrix, a five-button joystick and the following sensors: Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Temperature, Barometric pressure and Humidity. The shift register driving the LED Matrix is a LED2472G connected via an ATTINY88 communicating via i2c at address 0x46 with the Pi. The Multi-Directional SKRHABE010 Switch/Joystick is similarly controlled. The sensors themselves also operate over the i2c bus: The IMU (Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer) through a LSM9DS1 found at i2c address 0x1c(0x1e),0x6a(0x6b), with Interrupts on the ATTINY88. Environmental sensors are represented by a LPS25H Pressure+Temperature sensor at address 0x5c and by a HTS221 Humidity+Temp sensor at 0x5f on the i2c bus.