###Pinout! The comprehensive GPIO Pinout guide for the Raspberry Pi. This GPIO Pinout is designed to be both a quick-reference and a comprehensive guide to your Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. ##Latest Pinout news To celebrate the launch of the Pi Zero, and more recently Raspberry Pi 3, Pinout has been updated to be cleaner, more comprehensive and more accurate and will continue to be improved. New boards visual and selection filters are also available to help you find what you need more easily. ##Note for original Raspberry Pi Model "A" and "B" users Pinout was originally designed for the old 26-pin Raspberry Pi models, you'll see the outline of this original header displayed on the left in a slightly darker shade. If you click a pin you'll see details of its BCM pin assignment on the original Rev 1 Pi. ##What do these numbers mean? * BCM - Broadcom pin number, commonly called "GPIO", these are the ones you probably want to use with RPi.GPIO and GPIO Zero * WiringPi - Wiring Pi pin number (shown as a tooltip), for Gordon Henderson's Wiring Pi library * Physical - Number corresponding to the pin's physical location on the header