import json import time import os print(__file__) try: import yaml except ImportError: exit("This script requires the yaml module\nInstall with: sudo pip install PyYAML") try: unicode('') except NameError: unicode = str BUILD_ID = str(int(time.time())) PINOUT_FILE = 'pinout.yaml' SETTINGS_FILE = 'settings.yaml' STRINGS_FILE = 'localised.yaml' BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) pins = None settings = None master_template = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'common/layout.html')).read() twitter_template = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'common/twittercard.html')).read() def get_setting(setting, default=None): if setting in settings and settings[setting] is not None: return settings[setting] return default def get_string(string, default=None): if string in strings and strings[string] is not None: return strings[string] return default def render_html(*args, **kwargs): html = master_template html = html.replace('{{main_content}}', args[0]) html = html.replace('{{footer}}', args[1]) if "twittercard" in kwargs: if kwargs["twittercard"]: html = html.replace('{{twittercard}}', twitter_template) html = html.replace('{{twittercard}}', "") strings = args[2] for key in strings: if type(strings[key]) in [str, unicode]: html = html.replace('{{strings:' + key + '}}', strings[key]) settings = args[3] for key in settings: if type(settings[key]) in [str, unicode]: html = html.replace('{{settings:' + key + '}}', settings[key]) kwargs['v'] = BUILD_ID for key in kwargs: if type(kwargs[key]) == dict: for (d_key, d_value) in kwargs[key].items(): html = html.replace('{{' + key + '_' + d_key + '}}', d_value) elif type(kwargs[key]) in [str, unicode]: html = html.replace('{{' + key + '}}', kwargs[key]) return html def bcm_to_physical(pin): return physical_from(pin, 'bcm') def wiringpi_to_physical(pin): return physical_from(pin, 'wiringpi') def physical_from(pin, scheme='bcm'): if scheme in ['bcm', 'wiringpi']: for idx in pins: compare_pin = pins[idx] if 'scheme' in compare_pin: if scheme in compare_pin['scheme']: if compare_pin['scheme'][scheme] == int(pin): # print("Mapping {}{} to {}".format(scheme, pin, str(idx))) return str(idx) elif scheme == 'physical': return pin return None def physical_to_bcm(pin): return physical_to(pin, 'bcm') def physical_to_wiringpi(pin): return physical_to(pin, 'wiringpi') def physical_to(pin, scheme='bcm'): if scheme in ['bcm', 'wiringpi']: pin = pins[pin] if 'scheme' in pin: if scheme in pin['scheme']: return str(pin['scheme'][scheme]) elif scheme == 'physical': return pin return None def load(lang='en'): global pins, settings, strings settings_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'src/{}/{}'.format(lang, SETTINGS_FILE)) strings_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'src/{}/template/{}'.format(lang, STRINGS_FILE)) pinout_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'src/{}/template/{}'.format(lang, PINOUT_FILE)) if SETTINGS_FILE.endswith('.yaml'): settings = yaml.safe_load(open(settings_path).read()) else: settings = json.load(open(settings_path)) if STRINGS_FILE.endswith('.yaml'): strings = yaml.safe_load(open(strings_path).read()) else: strings = json.load(open(strings_path)) if PINOUT_FILE.endswith('.yaml'): pinout = yaml.safe_load(open(pinout_path).read()) else: pinout = json.load(open(pinout_path)) pins = pinout['pins']